PROBLEM: (CLD BCSMB02JR, CLD BCGM324NQ, CLD HPAQ519K5) (Patch ID: OSF440-236) ******** This patch fixes the following three problems: 1. When printing jobs, a timeout can occur after five minutes, which causes some large print jobs to stop, then resume printing from the beginning of the print job. This has been corrected by setting the timeout to read an ACK from the remote lpd daemon to 3 days. 2. When slave lpd daemons try to process jobs on the print queue, some of them can fail to obtain a lock on the lock file, and exit with an error. this has been corrected by increasing, from 10 seconds to 120 seconds, the time limit of lpd to wait for the current daemon to either give up the lock on the queue, or print the queued jobs. 3. A problem where some print jobs will print out twice. This has been corrected by eliminating timeouts from the sendfile () procedure. PROBLEM: (HPAQ80R71, BCSM518MX, BCSM31NJD, 48482) (Patch ID: OSF440-254) ******** This patch fixes the following four problems: 1. A remote print job may fail to print, with the error message: lstat/open failed for dfA... no such file or directory 2. If a remote print job is printing, and the connection to the printer is lost, the print job does not resume printing once the connection is restored. 3. Sometimes when sequence numbers wrap around from 999 to 000, job 000 is submitted before, and prints before, job 999. 4. lpstat -u output is incorrect.