PROBLEM: (HPAQC032X/QAR 66952) (Patch ID: OSF440-018) ******** This patch fixes an kernel memory fault caused by a streams SMP race condition. This kernel memory fault will have stack traces that may include STREAMS components or 512 byte kmembucket corruption. PROBLEM: (QAR 69554, QAR 70444, QAR 72011, QAR 72852, QAR 73439) ******** This patch fixes the following Universal Serial Bus (USB) problems: - The USB mouse no longer functions after resetting the Xserver. - System panics may occur inerror handling after USB device fails a request. - The USB device may not deconfigure properly when unplugged from the bus. - Problems that will prevent some USB devices from being configured at boot time. - A key on a USB keyboard will continue to repeat after being unplugged. - USB keyboards may transmit the incorrect keycode for several keys. PROBLEM: (QAR 46648 QAR 70765>) (Patch ID: OSF440-073) ******** This patch fixes a system hang in which there is a large number of pending ioctl's on the streams queue.