PROBLEM: (QAR 55232) (Patch ID: OSF425-024) ******** Broadcasts of a condition variable was occasionally being lost, even though there were threads actually waiting on that condition variable. The result was that threads would never receive notice to unblock and start running again. This problem is most evident on multiprocessor systems. PROBLEM: (QAR 58658) (Patch ID: OSF425-183) ******** Thread-aware debuggers (particularly TotalView) that make extensive use of the HOLD/UNHOLD mechanisms for breakpoints may expose a race condition that can lead to a hang and/or stack corruption problems. PROBLEM: (QAR 56304) (Patch ID: OSF425-183) ******** POSIX 1003.1c-1995 states that the "scope" attribute (scheduling contention scope) is inherited from the creating thread if the attribute object's "inheritsched" attribute is set to PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED. DECthreads implements the scope attribute in DIGITAL UNIX 4.0D, but failed to implement inheritance of the attribute. PROBLEM: (QAR 1965 [EVMS-RAVEN]) (Patch ID: OSF425-183) ******** The interface uses a "debug context" to manage the connection to "target" processes. Debugger memory corruptions could occur when a debug context was destroyed by calling pthreadDebugContextDestroy. PROBLEM: (QAR 58829) (Patch ID: OSF425-183) ******** Provide a special migration option required by TeMIP for initial release on DIGITAL UNIX 4.0D. PROBLEM: (QAR 57320) (Patch ID: OSF425-184) ******** This patch fixes a problem in the "pthread_kill" routine that may cause a multithreaded application to terminate when the application sends a kill signal to a terminated thread. After the thread is terminated, the kill signal sent to this thread did not return with ESRCH error status, instead "pthread_kill" terminated the application. The caller of "pthread_kill" now receives ESCRCH error status when the thread is terminated. PROBLEM: (QAR 61080) (Patch ID: OSF425-270) ******** In threaded applications, user-installed handlers for synchronous signals may be ignored during a fork() operation. Receipt of a synchronous signal at that time would cause the system default action to be taken. PROBLEM: (Qar:60358) (Patch ID: OSF425-332) ******** This patch corrects a problem related to "call system" fortran statement. A fortran program, which is compiled with -omp switch (openMP), hangs on a "call system" fortran statement in a fortran program. PROBLEM: (QAR 58658) (Patch ID: OSF425-343) ******** Thread-aware debuggers (particularly TotalView) that make extensive use of the HOLD/UNHOLD mechanisms for breakpoints may expose a race condition that can lead to a SIGSEGV within the user-mode thread scheduling code. This can lead to a "quiet" process exit: a core file is generated, but no message appears, and the proc filesystem reports a normal termination to the debugger. Other HOLD-related races can result in the process being debugged ignoring the debugger's HOLD request, or in corrupting the saved state of a thread. PROBLEM: (QAR 58658) (Patch ID: OSF425-343) ******** DECthreads can optimize the performance of some common thread operations for programs compiled using DEC C, by utilizing the DEC C asm() syntax to include machine instructions. DECthreads does not use asm() syntax under other compilers, but nevertheless included the DEC C header file . This header is incompatible with the gcc compiler asm() syntax. PROBLEM: (MCGMC0HSG,QAR 58775) (Patch ID: OSF425-214) ******** This patch fixes a problem that occurs with the dd command. When the seek option to the dd command is used to insert data into an existing output file, the resulting file is incorrect and all of the original data is lost. PROBLEM: (HPAQ60QV9,QAR 62953) (Patch ID: OSF425-387) ******** This patch fixes a problem with the dd command in which dd aborts after a read error. This problem occurs even when the "conv=noerror" parameter is specified. The XPG4 standard specifies that an "indeterminate read" should be skipped (not written), and then after stats are reported, the read/write behavior should be continued. PROBLEM: (QAR 60484) (Patch ID: OSF425-243) ******** This patch adds contention scope attribute to the cma thread attributes list. The attribute sets the contention scope of the thread to be created. PROBLEM: (ZUO101309) (Patch ID: OSF425-400434) ******** This patch fixes a problem that occurs when using the C shell (csh). When a command that does both wildcard expansion and command substitution is run in csh, incorrect results are produced. For example: $ /usr/bin/csh $ ls *.c `ls *.h` *.c not found a.h b.h example: $ /usr/bin/csh $ ls *.c `ls *.h` a.c a.h b.c b.h 1d) Internal description In exec.c there was no check after command substitution if further globbing was needed. Prior to the fix, a command with globbing and command substitution would partially fail. The command substitution part of the command would succeed, but the globbing part would fail (because the glob characters were not expanded). The problem was that the command substitution was done first and further command line globbing was not performed. PROBLEM: ( QAR 56531,56516,56530,56529) (Patch ID: OSF425-400437) ******** Commands vquota, vedquota, quota, edquota, dump, csh, and nslookup will sometimes display the incorrect error message for non-english locales. PROBLEM: (QAR 55069) (Patch ID:OSF425-063) ******** This patch fixes a problem in which the dump command fails when the full pathname of the output file is not given. The following is an example of a failed dump command: #dump -f dufile /mnt1 dump: Dumping from host dump: Date of this level 9 dump: Fri Sep 19 10:26:50 1997 GMT+0500 dump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch dump: Dumping /dev/rrz0h (/mnt1) to dufile dump: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files] dump: Mapping (Pass II) [directories] dump: Estimate: 205666 tape blocks on disk The available blocks(0),is less than the estimated blocks(205666) Dump is being aborted dump: SIGTERM received dump: The ENTIRE dump is aborted PROBLEM: ( QAR 56531,56516,56530,56529) (Patch ID: OSF425-400437) ******** The command dump sometimes display the incorrect error message for non-english locales. PROBLEM: (CLD TKTQ20082) (Patch ID: OSF425-209) ******** The data byte 0x80 is a valid second byte of a 2-byte character in the SJIS and BIG-5 character sets. However, this data byte also has special meaning within the C shell (csh). This leads, in some cases, to incorrect processing of multibyte characters that contain 0x80 as the second byte. For instance, under the ja_JP.SJIS locale, the following echo command produces the wrong result: % echo `printf "\217\200"` | od -xc 0000000 0a8f 0000002 \n This patch prevents the 0x80 data byte from being omitted. Using the new csh command included in the patch, the echo command returns the correct result: % echo `printf "\217\200"` | od -xc 0000000 808f 000a ** \n 0000003 Also by using the new csh, users can print out a single 0x80 character using the echo command. However, quoting is necessary to prevent unwanted removal of the 0x80 character. For example: % echo "`printf '\200'`" | od -xc 0000000 0a80 \n 0000002 % echo `printf '\200'` | od -xc 0000000 000a \n 0000001 PROBLEM: (QAR 56531,56516,56530,56529) (Patch ID: OSF425-400437) ******** Commands vquota, vedquota, quota, edquota, dump, csh, and nslookup will sometimes display the incorrect error message for non-english locales. PROBLEM: (QAR 60891) (Patch ID: OSF425-307) ******** This patch fixes a problem with the quota command. When issuing a quota command the uid will be negative if the uid is greater than 16 bits. PROBLEM: (BCGM41776, QAR 63443) (Patch ID: OSF425-405422) ******** This patch fixes a problem with the edquota utility, which prevented a user from creating quotas for UIDs or GIDs that did not already exist in the /etc/passwd or /etc/group files. PROBLEM: (CLD HGOQ50006, QAR 52992) (Patch ID: OSF425-125) ******** This patch fixes problems that occur when using the ksh shell. When the PATH for a command is not found, the following error message is displayed. Also, when the set command is executed, the system core dumps. /bin/ksh: invalid multibyte character PROBLEM: (QAR 26933) (Patch ID: OSF425-127) ******** This patch fixes a problem in which the ksh command periodically prints erroneous characters instead of the command that was typed. The only identifiable effects are loss of logging information and the loss of access to the command from the command line edit. PROBLEM: (USG-05628) (Patch ID: OSF425-400435) ******** This patch fixes a problem that occurs when using the Korn shell (ksh). Variables set with the typeset -L[n] built-in command do not work correctly when other subshells are spawned. For example: Example: < Incorrect results > $ /usr/bin/ksh $ typeset -xL3 var=hello $ typeset | grep var export 3 leftjust 3 var $ echo $var hel $ /usr/bin/ksh $ typeset -xL3 var=hello $ typeset | grep var export 3 leftjust 3 var $ echo $var $ Example: < Correct results > $ /usr/bin/ksh $ typeset -xL3 var=hello $ typeset | grep var export 3 leftjust 3 var $ echo $var hel $ /usr/bin/ksh $ typeset -xL3 var=hello $ typeset | grep var export 3 leftjust 3 var $ echo $var hel $ PROBLEM: (QAR 45801,QAR 61048,EVT102530) (Patch ID: OSF425-405301) ******** This patch fixes a problem that was caused by the Korn shell running in EMACS mode. When a window was resized with a width that exceeded 160 characters, the next command (or even a return) would cause the ksh utility to core dump. PROBLEM: (CLDs HPAQ50F5M HPAQ21LTJ QAR 53389) (Patch ID: OSF425-405389) ******** File globbing in ksh sometimes does not list all the files in the directory. PROBLEM: (CLDs DMO100352 QAR 57030) (Patch ID: OSF425-405389) ******** This patch fixes a memory management problem that occurs on systems running the Korn shell. Incorrect results occur when the length of the parameter to the echo command is altered. PROBLEM: (CLD MGO103483) (Patch ID: OSF425-405343) ******** This patch fixes a problem when builtin variables (ex. TMOUT) are exported as readonly with values > 256. The 'set' command (display all variables) will cause ksh to core dump with the error "stack overflow". PROBLEM: (UVO105992) (Patch ID: OSF425-344) ******** This patch corrects a problem which results in a superuser being able to inadvertently bring the system down to single user mode by accidentally killing pid 1 (init) when trying to kill a background job (%1). PROBLEM: (QAR 53135,QAR 44398) (Patch ID: OSF425-128) ******** This patch fixes a TCP/IP problem that can occur with programs linked with the libc library. These programs may return a value of (-l) when calling the svc_tcp() function. This problem occurs because a return value, EINTR, is ignored in the readtcp() and writetcp() functions. The patch involved checking for this return before continuing a readtcp() and writetcp(). PROBLEM: (QAR 56286) (Patch ID: OSF425-400448) ******** There is a problem with the readdir function in that the readdir_r() function reads past the end of its input buffer. The readdir_r() function is using memcpy to copy data that's partly off the end of its internal buffer. This happens when the buffer is close to an unmapped page. PROBLEM: (QAR 52255,52836,55617) (Patch ID: OSF425-163) ******** This patch fixes a problem in which RPC client functions do not correctly handle system calls interrupted by a signal (EINTR errors). If a multi-threaded RPC client process catches a signal, a read or write to an RPC socket can get interrupted, and the RPC operation fails. PROBLEM: (MGO103361/QAR 58563) (Patch ID: OSF425-405181) ******** This patch fixes a problem with rexec(3) losing socket descriptors. Applications that call rexec(3) may not work correctly. PROBLEM: (QAR 59440) (Patch ID: OSF425-405217) ******** If a program linked with libpthread or libpthreads calls realloc with a NULL pointer and a zero new size (realloc(0,0)), the program will hang on the next call to malloc, free, realloc, calloc or valloc. PROBLEM: (QAR 59959 CLD TKTB36537) (Patch ID: OSF425-405217) ******** Calls to valloc() with a requested size of < 640 bytes will result in the memory being lost when free is called for that chunk. The free routine does not recognize the memory as belonging to the malloc allocator suite. PROBLEM: (QAR 30442,53287,57097,CLD UVO105627) (Patch ID: OSF425-193) ******** This patch fixes exceptions propagating out of __init routines which results in infinite loops. The problem is caused by the routine exc_dispatch_exception() within libexc.a not knowing when to stop searching the stack for a handler. When an C++ exception is issued from an __init function, it is not caught by the last chance handler. Instead, the following message is displayed: exception system: exiting dues to multiple internal errors: exception dispatch or unwind stuck in infinite loop PROBLEM: (CLD MGO103500) (Patch ID: OSF425-299) ******** When swscanf() processes a scanset, the function does not treat the last character of a specified range as part of the scanset. For example, if J"[C-U]" is the scanset, swscanf() does not include "U" in the set of characters to be read and converted. When this patch is installed, the last character in a scanset's range of characters is correctly included in processing. PROBLEM: (CLD SOO101148, QAR 60948) (Patch ID: OSF425-353) ******** This patch fixes a memory leak in the libc glob() function. PROBLEM: (CLD BR0101218 , QAR 61257) (Patch ID: OSF425-358) ******** This patch fixes the printing of floating point values when both the precision and width are specified. This problem can be reproduced as follows: - Create the following program test.c: #include main() { double toto; toto=5555555.; printf("%+046.15E \n",toto); printf("%+046.16E \n",toto); printf("%+046.17E \n",toto); printf("%+046.18E \n",toto); } - cc test.c - a.out Incorrect Results: +0000000000000000000000005.555555000000000E+06 +000000000000000000000005.5555550000000000E+06 +000000000000000000000005.55555500000000000E+06 +000000000000000000000005.555555000000000000E+06 +000000000000000000000005.5555550000000000000E+06 Correct Results: +0000000000000000000000005.555555000000000E+06 +000000000000000000000005.5555550000000000E+06 +00000000000000000000005.55555500000000000E+06 +0000000000000000000005.555555000000000000E+06 +000000000000000000005.5555550000000000000E+06 PROBLEM: (QAR 62714) (Patch ID: OSF425-363) ******** This patch fixes a virtual memory problem that may cause the system to panic with one of the following messages. pmap_begin_mutex_region timeout or: simple_lock timeout PROBLEM: (HPAQ51P0X, QAR 61674) (Patch ID: OSF425-309) ******** The strftime() function may produce incorrect results when called in the following manner: 1) using the "%y" (year without century) format specifier AND 2) using width and/or precision modifiers (as in "%02.02y") AND 3) using a tm struct with tm_year value > 99 (actual year > 1999). Although width and precision modifiers are not frequently used with the "%y" format specifier, it is still possible for the above conditions to be met, particularly when dealing with dates in the year 2000 and beyond. When used without width or precision modifiers, the "%y" format specifier works correctly prior to this patch. Note that the width and precision modifiers are DIGITAL extensions to the strftime() function and not part of any UNIX standard. Use of these extensions may lead to code which is not portable. PROBLEM: (SSRT0546U, SSRT0542U) (Patch ID: OSF425-405403) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. Digital has corrected this potential vulnerability. In addressing this issue, a warning message not previously seen may be placed in the daemon.log by named. An example of the message follows. Jan 7 14:03:25 hostname named[316]: owner name "" IN (secondary) is invalid - proceeding anyway This message has no impact on system operation and will only be seen once for any given node name on a BIND server at startup. It is informing the user that this node name contains non-standard characters. Standard characters are defined as A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and hyphen. Non-standard characters are characters that fall out of the standard set such as underscores. PROBLEM: (CLD's BCGMC1GJ4, HPAQC1L0D, HPAQC1L10) (Patch ID: OSF425-405520) ******** This patch fixes a problem in which BIND client applications are not able to resolve node names. Network applications running on a BIND client such as ping, telnet, and ftp using node names that are resolved by a BIND server will result in resolution errors such as "unknown host". In addressing security related BIND issues, an area BIND functionality was altered. Non-standard characters that fall out of the standard set such as underscores caused a node name resolution problem. In addition, when "bind" is the first service listed for the "hosts" database in /etc/svc.conf, BIND lookups would fail. PROBLEM: (QAR 65717) (Patch ID: OSF425-464) ******** This patch fixes a problem whereby a program that is compiled with the -pthread or -threads option and the -p or -pg option will not terminate if the _exit(2) library routine is called when the program is executed. When this occurs, the program's process will be seen to use a large percentage of the available CPU time, as shown by the ps(1) command; for example: 1> ps u USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY S STARTED TIME COMMAND username 657 93.3 0.2 2.24M 424K ttyp1 R + 08:09:42 0:08.84 ./a.out The program can be stopped using the kill(1) command; for example "kill -9 657". If the program is run in a debugger, such as dbx(1) or ladebug(1), the segmentation fault that causes the non-termination can be seen; for example, in a program compiled with -pg (with -p the fault occurs in _prof_moncontrol): 2> dbx a.out dbx version 3.11.10 Type 'help' for help. main: 52 int i = 0; (dbx) run thread 0x3 signal Segmentation fault at >*[_gprof_moncontrol, 0x120003b10] l dl r2, 24(r9) (dbx) t 3 > 0 _gprof_moncontrol(0x140072000, 0x3ffc00802a0, 0x14000d300, 0x140027108, 0x100000000) [0x120003b10] 1 _gprof_monstop(0x14000d300, 0x140027108, 0x100000000, 0x140027108, 0x3ff800d92c4) [0x1200043f0] 2 _exit(0x100000000, 0x140027108, 0x3ff800d92c4, 0x1, 0x3ff800e0518) [0x3ff800d92c0] (dbx) PROBLEM: (EVT102702, QAR 61875/64784) (Patch ID: OSF425-405479) ******** This patch fixes a problem with /usr/bin/ksh and the named-pipe (FIFO) communication that is used by applications. This problem is seen randomly when 2 shells scripts (a parent process and a child process) are waiting for each others read/write on their named-pipe. It was observed that the read didn't complete by the child process although data was present in its named-piped writen by the parent process. PROBLEM: (CLD BCGM71LG7) (Patch ID: OSF425-405528) ******** This patch corrects a problem that was causing ksh to core dump in vi editting mode. ksh was core dumping intermittently when using '.' to repeat a command. PROBLEM: (QAR 65164) (Patch ID: OSF425-405538) ******** This problem fixes unexpected logouts and terminal hangups encountered when using the /bin/su command and /bin/ksh as a login shell. PROBLEM: (CLD's BCGM10PM6 and DMO100420) (Patch ID: OSF425-405564) ******** This patch fixes a problem from a previous libc patch in which the gethostbyaddr function is not able to resolve node names. Non-standard characters that fall out of the standard set, such as underscores, cause a node name resolution problem for the gethostbyaddr function. PROBLEM: (CLD MGO103997)(Patch ID: OSF425-410240) ******** This patch fixes a problem with ksh. ksh will core dump with segmentation fault when displaying a here-document. PROBLEM: (QAR 63603) (Patch ID: OSF425-422) ******** This patch fixes a problem in the csh shell that caused a change in the way wildcard patterns were matched. The problem resulted in the error: Glob aborted - Permission denied. PROBLEM: (HPAQ81B6C) (Patch ID: OSF425-531) ******** Multithreaded applications can experience performance problems if they are run on multiCPU systems and make heavy use of any of the functions on the malloc(3) manpage (including C++ applications making heavy use of "new" and "delete"). On profiling these applications, they will be seen to be spending a large percentage of their CPU time in two pthreads functions (pthread_mutex_block and pthread_mutex_unblock) which are called from the malloc family of functions. The problem becomes worse under the following conditions: the number of threads increases, the number of CPUs increases, or more calls are made to the malloc functions. PROBLEM: (QAR 66683) (Patch ID: OSF425-539) ******** DECthreads was not properly changing the priority of a suspended thread, adversely effecting Java programs. The routine pthread_setschedparam() was not properly handling threads that are suspended. PROBLEM: (QAR 66254) (Patch ID: OSF425-539) ******** The routines, pthread_mutex_trylock() and tis_mutex_trylock(), as coded in the libpthread and libc, respectively, can cause uncontested lock operations to take the "slow path" when they would not have to otherwise. This shows a significant performance problem for the malloc mutex under heavy load. PROBLEM: (QAR 60355) (Patch ID: OSF425-539) ******** A bug in DECthreads affected the preemption of realtime SCS threads. In once instance a low priority SCS thread would run before a higher priority SCS threads. Another problem occurred when one SCS thread joined with another SCS thread, by calling the pthread_join() function before the "target" SCS thread had terminated. In that situation, the joiner thread may never be unblocked from the wait. PROBLEM: (CLD HPAQ81B6C) (Patch ID: OSF425-539) ******** Multithreaded applications can experience performance problems if they are run on multi-cpu systems and make heavy use of any of the functions on the malloc(3) manpage. This includes C++ applications making heavy use of "new" and "delete". The primary fix for this problem exists within libc, however DECthreads contained inefficiencies in the mutex logic code which made the problem worse. PROBLEM: (68695, 57663) (Patch ID: OSF425-544) ******** This patch fixes a problem in which a multithreaded process that forks and also loads a shared object may hang due to a deadlock. In particular, this affects Java users who will be using the new Fast Java Virtual Machine (FJVM). If you kill the hung process with a quit signal in order to get a core file and run ladebug on it, you would see that both the exc read and ldr mutexes would be locked, as shown in the following example: deneb> ./u2 hello Quit(coredump) deneb> ladebug u2 core Welcome to the Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-44 ------------------ object file name: u2 core file name: core Reading symbolic information ...done Core file produced from executable u2 Thread 0x1 terminated at PC 0x3ff814d8fa8 by signal QUIT (ladebug) show mutex with state==locked Mutex Name State Owner Pri Type Waiters (+Count) ------ ------------------------- ----- ------ --- -------- -------------------- 3 exc cr Lock 2 Recurs 4 exc read rwl Lock 2 Normal 16 Global lock Lock 2 Recurs 17 ldr Lock 1 Recurs 2 19 atfork Lock 2 Normal 20 sia[0] Lock 2 Normal 21 sia[1] Lock 2 Normal 22 sia[2] Lock 2 Normal 23 sia[3] Lock 2 Normal 24 sia[4] Lock 2 Normal 25 sia[5] Lock 2 Normal 26 sia[6] Lock 2 Normal 27 sia[7] Lock 2 Normal 28 sia[8] Lock 2 Normal 29 sia[9] Lock 2 Normal 30 sia[10] Lock 2 Normal 31 sia[11] Lock 2 Normal 32 sia[12] Lock 2 Normal 33 sia[13] Lock 2 Normal 34 sia[14] Lock 2 Normal 35 sia[15] Lock 2 Normal 36 Lock 2 Recurs 37 atof Lock 2 Normal PROBLEM: (MGO103887) (Patch ID: OSF425-590) ******** The routines wprintf(), swprint(), and fwprintf() incorrectly handle the 'S' format. When printing, they count the number of bytes in the same way that printf(), sprintf(), and fprintf() do. The standard says that the wide char routines must count by logical characters. After the patch is applied, the three routines will correctly calculate and print the correct number of logical characters in all locales. PROBLEM: (TKTQ90857) (Patch ID: OSF425-405586) ******** This patch fixes a problem where C shell background processes started from within a terminal emulator window (dtterm, dxterm, or xterm) exit when the terminal emulator window is closed. PROBLEM: (QAR 69522 65377) (Patch ID: OSF425-618) ******** This patch fixes a core dump that occurs in the ksh echo command when ksh is echoing a number whose decimal value is greater than 255. PROBLEM: (QAR 70941, CLD TKTR42338) (Patch ID: OSF425-634) ******** In the C shell (csh), commands do not correctly print Japanese SJIS strings assigned to shell variables. For example, when running under the ja_JP.SJIS locale, the following echo statement does not correctly print the content of the var variable: % echo "$var" This patch installs a revised C shell that correctly prints the Japanese text. PROBLEM: (CLD MGO104039) (Patch ID: OSF425-648) ******** This patch corrects a problem that may cause ksh to coredump when displaying a large here-document in a ksh script. PROBLEM: (63960) (Patch ID: OSF425-657) ******** This patch fixes a problem with the wcstod system call causing a core dump. For example, the following program will core dump: #include #include main() { double val; wchar_t *ws = L"-.9e-27"; val = wcstod (ws, (wchar_t **) NULL); printf("%g\n", val); } PROBLEM: (MGO103748/QAR 67141) (Patch ID: OSF425-668) ******** This patch fixes problems with rsh(1), rlogin(1) rcp(1) if netgroup names are defined with capital letters. PROBLEM: (QAR 65964 QAR 70023) (Patch ID: OSF425-671) ******** This patch fixes a problem with the Korn shell where data loss occurs when commnds are piped together. This is seen when ksh is your default login shell and the first command to be issued pipes output to a shell script. PROBLEM: (HPAQ50LK2/QAR 52404) (Patch ID: OSF425-676) ******** This patch fixes a problem with portmap by allowing RPC select() timeouts to occur when interrupted by signals. PROBLEM: (CLD: UVO106533, QAR: 72124) (Patch ID: OSF425-682) ******** The strftime() function in libc was not compliant with the latest UNIX95 corrigenda, dated 12 Mar 1999, concerning the %V format specifier. The previous description for this specifier was as follows: > %V is replaced by the week number of the year (Monday as the first > day of the week) as a decimal number [01,53]. If the week containing > 1 January has four or more days in the new year, then it is > considered week 1. Otherwise, it is week 53 of the previous year, > and the next week is week 1. The new wording per the approved corrigenda is: > %V is replaced by the week number of the year (Monday as the first > day of the week) as a decimal number [01,53]. If the week containing > 1 January has four or more days in the new year, then it is > considered week 1. Otherwise, it is the last week of the previous > year, and the next week is week 1. The difference is in the last sentence. The last week of the previous year can be 52 or 53, depending on how many weeks are in the previous year. The previous code complied with the original published UNIX95 spec and returned the value 53 in this case. However, the approved corrigenda referenced above takes precedence and this patch implements that change as required for releases branded for UNIX95. PROBLEM: (QAR 70833) (Patch ID: OSF425-693) ******** DECthreads turns synchronous signals into exceptions for processing by the application program with TRY...ENTRY blocks. If no application TRY block exists, processing defaults to the DECthreads internal routine, excLastChance. Prior to this patch, excLastChance would only reset the handler for the signal if the handler was the DECthreads-installed sigRaiseException routine. Any application-installed handlers remained. This caused a problem for applications whose signal handlers attempt to pass control to previously installed signal handlers, because if the previously installed handler was sigRaiseException, an infinite loop would result. PROBLEM: (QARs 71019, 71358) (Patch ID: OSF425-693) ******** A bug in the DECthreads two-level scheduler was causing Virtual Processors (VPs) to go idle and never be scheduled to run. This resulted in one or more CPUs on SMP machines going unused by threaded applications. PROBLEM: (CLD TKTQ50260, QAR 71678) (Patch ID: OSF425-694) ******** The second byte of some 2-byte SJIS characters can contain a value that, as a single-byte character, has special meaning to the C shell. In the problem report being addressed by this patch, the user assigned a two-byte SJIS character to a shell variable through command substitution. The second byte of the SJIS character value was 0x60, which by itself represents the backquote (`) character. Because the C shell processed the 0x60 value as a backquote rather than as the second byte of a 2-byte character, the user received an "Unmatched `" error. This patch installs a revised C shell that correctly handles 2-byte Japanese characters. PROBLEM: (QAR 62835, QAR 70582) (Patch ID: OSF425-727) ******** This patch fixes a problem of password error messages not being displayed during installation of the security subsystem. If a root password is not entered at the installation interface, then it will be requested during the configuration phase. However, if the user enters an unacceptable password the message explaining why the password was not accepted is not displayed. Instead the message is stored until the user enters a good password and then all of the messages are displayed. PROBLEM: (HPAQ322BS, QAR 71534 73821) (Patch ID: OSF425-758) ******** This patch fixes a problem in ksh which required two SIGTERM signals to be sent to the process when it exec'ed. PROBLEM: (71007, 73965) (PATCH ID: OSF425-780) ******** This patch fixes a problem in which `ufs_fsck` can get blocked while attempting to flush nfs buffers for a service that has become suspended. PROBLEM: (ZUO101615, 71587) (PATCH ID: OSF425-800) ******** This patch fixes a problem that was causing the csh globbing function to be extremely slow when accessing file information on NFS, AFS, or VMS file systems. PROBLEM: (CLD TKT011546) (Patch ID: OSF425-801) ******** This patch fixes a problem in the C shell (csh) in which a segmentation fault will occur when the user defines an environmental variable which exceeds the 2048 character limitation. This limit has been lengthened to 8192 characters. PROBLEM: (76587, 52442) (PATCH ID: OSF425-874) ******** This patch fixes a problem in ksh in which a space after the -p switch would cause the command to fail. PROBLEM: ('QAR 65807, QAR 67921') (Patch ID: OSF425-806) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances users may gain unauthorized access. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (62211) (PATCH ID: OSF425-912) ******** This fix increases the length of the user names for rsh and rexec to allow for NT interoperabilty. PROBLEM: (71646, 46891) (PATCH ID: OSF425-914) ******** This patch fixes a problem in ksh. When the current working directory is / and the command 'cd ..' is entered, the following error message is displayed: ksh: ..: bad directory PROBLEM: (TKTR30011, 78909) (PATCH ID: OSF425-942) ******** If a code segment contained a gmtime() call between calls to tzset(), or any function specified to call tzset() (such as localtime(), mktime(), strftime(), etc) , the tzname[0] array could contain erroneous time zone data referring to the "GMT" zone abbreviation instead of the local time zone, as specified in the TZ environment variable or default time zone for the system. PROBLEM: (TKTR71329) (PATCH ID: OSF425-954) ******** Some multibyte characters in the Japanese SJIS or Chinese BIG5 codeset do not display correctly if the C shell is being used and the characters are inside quotation marks. The problem occurs with characters for which the value of the second byte equates to a square bracket ( [ or ]). This patch updates the C shell to fix this problem. PROBLEM: (79876) (PATCH ID: OSF425-976) ******** If the "where" or "t" ladebug command does not show all the currently active functions, it may be because of this problem. The program being debugged had to have been built with "split procedures", which is done via options in the om and spike tools. For spike, split procedures are generated if profiling is specified. For om, split procedures are generated if profiling AND the -split_procedure option are specified. PROBLEM: (79556) (PATCH ID: OSF425-966) ******** This patch adds functionality to termminate the resulting string from calls to swprintf(). PROBLEM: (72100, 74961, 75971, 77080, 77288, n/a) (PATCH ID: OSF425-1018) ******** Threaded applications which make extensive use of synchronization objects (mutexes, condition variables) may encounter performance and scaling regressions when run on some EV6 SMP machines. Customers encountering these regressions may observe negative scaling, decreased application throughput and increased CPU utilitzation, as the number of EV6 CPUs is increased. This version of DECthreads contains changes to the implementation of synchronization objects and thread scheduling around those objects to improve performance on all SMP systems. No functional or interface changes were made. PROBLEM: (BCSM807S5) (PATCH ID: OSF425-1015) ******** Some applications assume that initial allocations of memory from the C run-time library's malloc() function will return zero-filled memory. The problem is that malloc() and free() often write into the first 16 bytes of the allocated memory. This change to malloc() zeros out the first 16 bytes in the allocated memory. The result is that memory allocated prior to any call to free() -- and prior to any other run-time library function that might call free -- should be zero filled. PROBLEM: (65177) (PATCH ID: OSF425-974) ******** This fixes a getnetgrent(3) memory leak.