PROBLEM: (MCPM21H8P) (Patch ID: OSF425-405244) ******** This patch corrects a problem with the kdbx mbuf and socket extensions. The use of these extension on some crashdumps resulted in error and would hang. The error message is as follows: coredata start_address end_address - Dump in hex the contents of the core file starting at start_address and ending before end_address. PROBLEM: (QAR 71190) (Patch ID: OSF425-695) ******** This patch fixes a problem with kdbx. The trace command in kdbx has an option where a particular thread, or a group of threads is specified, and the stack for only those threads are shown. Kdbx showed stack traces for all threads however, reverting to the default option. This patch enables the trace command to function as documented. PROBLEM: (QAR 56967) (Patch ID: OSF425-672) ******** This patch fixes a problem with kdbx in which it creates a core in the root directory when recovering from a system crash. After a system crash, and a subsequent reboot, a core file is found under the root directory, /. Using the file command (which must be run by superuser, due to the protection on /core) will show that the file was created by kdbx.