PROBLEM: (QAR 60885, 58783, 59316, 59652, 59659, 59727) (Patch ID: OSF425-485) ******** This patch restores proper functionality of the /usr/sbin/newfs command, which is used to create a new UFS file system. The patch fixes several problems and is recommended as an update to the existing version of newfs on all systems. PROBLEM: (QAR 64136) (Patch ID: OSF425-635) ******** This patch fixes a problem with the newfs command. Prior to this patch, when the newfs -N command was run on a mounted file system, it returned an error message similar to the following: newfs: /dev/rrz0c: is marked in the disklabel as in use by: 4.2BSD The command now completes succesfully and returns the correct partition information.