AlphaServer SC V2.5 UK1 patch kit 99673 11 April 2003. This patch contains fixes for the PFS file system issues reported in the PTRs and/or IPMT cases listed below. PTR IPMT Abstract ======================================================================= 153-2-1056 CFS.99673 Assert Failed: cp->c_wopncnt == 0 ======================================================================= You should not need to reboot any nodes to install this patch nor do you need to build and deploy new kernels. However, you will need to take all PFS file systems off line temporarily while installing this patch because pfs.mod cannot be replaced while it is in use. Summary of fixes: ================= 1. Fix for a bug in PFS which could cause CFS to panic because PFS was releasing a CFS vnode that was still open. This occurred when PFS encountered a problem (e.g. a network error) opening either the .pfsbirth or .pfsdeath directory while mounting a file system. The panic message would be "Assert Failed: cp->c_wopncnt == 0 file: cfs_vnops.c:7999, caller: ..." Prerequisites: ============== This is a UK1 patch and will not work correctly on a V2.5 SSB system. Kit checksum: ============= # cksum SCV25UK199673.tar.gz 3156697857 274416 SCV25UK199673.tar.gz Updated files: ============== A list of the files included in this patch is given below along with the cksum values for each file. 731841054 482053 ./opt/pfs/sys/pfs.mod Instructions: ============= SCV25UK199673 is provided as a setld installable kit. Unpack it into a directory that is NFS mounted on all domains e.g. /usr/kits/SCV25UK199673 and install it as follows. First, take all PFS file systems offline. They will need to stay offline for the duration of the installation. # pfsmgr offline all Once this has completed successfully and the PFS file systems are offline on all nodes (use "pfsmgr show" to check) configure out pfs.mod like this: # scrun -n all /sbin/sysconfig -u pfs Now install SCV25UK199673 from the directory you created earlier: # cd /usr/kits/SCV25UK199673 # scrun -d all setld -l /usr/kits/SCV25UK199673 SCV25UK199673 There is no need to build or deploy kernels or reboot any nodes. Now configure pfs.mod back in and bring the PFS file systems back on line: # scrun -n all /sbin/sysconfig -c pfs # pfsmgr online all Installation is complete at this point. ======================================================================= To remove SCV25UK199673 use the following commands: # pfsmgr offline all (wait for this to finish on all nodes - use "pfsmgr show" to check) # scrun -n all /sbin/sysconfig -u pfs # scrun -d all setld -d SCV25UK199673 # scrun -n all /sbin/sysconfig -c pfs # pfsmgr online all ======================================================================= SCV25UK199673 Sierra Engineering, 10 April 2003.