TITLE: (SSRT0795U) Tru64 UNIX Potential Security Vulnerability in inetd New Kit Date: 16-JUL-2002 Modification Date: Not Applicable Modification Type: NEW KIT Copyright (c) Hewlett-Packard Company 2002. All rights reserved. PRODUCT: Tru64 UNIX [R] 4.0F SOURCE: Hewlett-Packard Company ECO INFORMATION: ECO Name: DUV40FB18-C0073102-14691-ES-20020624.tar ECO Kit Approximate Size: 1.4MB Kit Applies To: Tru64 UNIX 4.0F PK7 (BL18) ECO Kit CHECKSUMS: /usr/bin/sum results: 00156 1400 /usr/bin/cksum results: 1454305052 1433600 MD5 results: 77b48c530235965d789b67e5beff704b SHA1 results: a981190bfa6e4c6e96b318848693a54f4d3a2404 ECO KIT SUMMARY: A dupatch-based, Early Release Patch kit exists for Tru64 UNIX 4.0F that contains solutions to the following problem(s): The potential vulnerabilities noted below have been corrected and patches are being made available for TRU64 UNIX: - inetd (severity high) SSRT0795U A potential security vulnerability has been discovered within Tru64 UNIX inetd, which could potentially result in denial of service (DoS). Network DoS attacks make computer systems inaccessible by flooding a service, server or network with useless traffic so that legitimate users can no longer gain access to those resources. The Patch Kit Installation Instructions and the Patch Summary and Release Notes documents provide patch kit installation and removal instructions and a summary of each patch. Please read these documents prior to installing patches on your system. The patches in this ERP kit will also be available in the next mainstream patch kit - Tru64 UNIX 4.0F Patch Kit 8. INSTALLATION NOTES: Install this kit with the dupatch utility that is included in the patch kit. You may need to baseline your system if you have manually changed system files on your system. The dupatch utility provides the baselining capability. INSTALLATION PREREQUISITES: You must have installed Tru64 UNIX 4.0F PK7 (BL18) prior to installing this Early Release Patch Kit. KNOWN PROBLEMS WITH THE PATCH KIT: None. RELEASE NOTES FOR DUV40FB18-C0073102-14691-ES-20020624.tar: 1 Release Notes This Early Release Patch Kit Distribution contains: - fixes that resolve the problem(s) reported in: o SSRT0795U * for Digital UNIX V4.0F DUV40FB18AS0007-20020102.tar (BL18) The patches in this kit are being released early for general customer use. Refer to the Release Notes for a summary of each patch and installation prerequisites. Patches in this kit are installed by running dupatch from the directory in which the kit was untarred. For example, as root on the target system: > mkdir -p /tmp/CSPkit1 > cd /tmp/CSPkit1 > > tar -xpvf DUV40D13-C0044900-1285-20000328.tar > cd patch_kit > ./dupatch 2 Special Instructions There are no special instructions for Digital UNIX V4.0F Patch C731.02 3 Summary of CSPatches contained in this kit Digital UNIX V4.0F PatchId Summary Of Fix ---------------------------------------- C731.02 Fix for SSRT0795U. 4 Additional information from Engineering None 5 Affected system files This patch delivers the following files: Digital UNIX V4.0F Patch C731.02 ./usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/inetd.cat CHECKSUM: 12861 2 SUBSET: OSFCLINET440 ./usr/sbin/inetd CHECKSUM: 64971 56 SUBSET: OSFCLINET440 [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 2002. All Rights reserved. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Hewlett-Packard Company. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Hewlett-Packard or an authorized sublicensor. This ECO has not been through an exhaustive field test process. Due to the experimental stage of this ECO/workaround, Hewlett-Packard makes no representations regarding its use or performance. The customer shall have the sole responsibility for adequate protection and back-up data used in conjunction with this ECO/workaround.