AlphaServer SC patch kit: ========================== AlphaServer SC Version : SC V2.6 UK2 Kit Name: T64KIT1000262-V51BB26-20051223:C1464.00 Release Date: 17 January 2006 QuIX: QXCM1000306411 WFM Case: 3213198875-321 Abstract: Backport of T64KIT1000171-V51BB25-20051201:C1433.00 "rcmgr set" does not retain original file permissions. Description of Patch: ===================== When rcmgr updates an rc file that file does not retain the old permission settings. New settings are based on present mask. This patch resolves this issue. This kit is a backport of T64KIT1000171-V51BB25-20051201:C1433.00. Kit location: ============= The patch kit is T64KIT1000262-V51BB26-20051223.tar and it can be downloaded from ITRC. Prerequisites: ============== Before installing this Patch kit, you should ensure the following: 1) You have all mandatory patches for this release installed Kit checksum: ============= cksum values for kit, 1883476814 2570240 T64KIT1000262-V51BB26-20051223.tar Updated files: ============== A list of the files included in this patch is given below along with the cksum values for each file. 3351713120 39888 /usr/sbin/rcmgr Instructions: ============= This patch is provided as an sc_dupatch installable kit. Unpack it into a directory that is NFS mounted on all domains e.g. /nfs/cspkit and follow the following steps to install it: Patch required on Management Server (if used) : YES Patch required on Domains : YES 1) Verify that it is possible to install the patches as follows: On the Management Server (if used) #/usr/sbin/sc_dupatch -install -kit /nfs/cspkit/patch_kit -name -note -noroll -nolevel2 -noauto -precheck_only -patch On Domains: # sra command -domains all -member 1 -command '/usr/sbin/sc_dupatch -install -kit /nfs/cspkit/patch_kit -name -note -noroll -nolevel2 -noauto -precheck_only -patch ' Note: ====== if you encounter a message similiar to the following : ./sys/BINARY/nfs.mod: its origin can not be identified. then, you will need to run the actual installation (Step 3) with the " -deps_only " flag. For Example: # /usr/sbin/sc_dupatch -install -kit /nfs/cspkit/patch_kit -name -note -noroll -nolevel2 -noauto -deps_only -patch A full description of -deps_only is provided in Appendix A.1 below: 2) Now Run the Patch Installation as follows: On the Management Server (if Used): ----------------------------------- Install the patch using the following commands: #/usr/sbin/sc_dupatch -install -kit /nfs/cspkit/patch_kit -name -note -noroll -nolevel2 -noauto -patch Rebuild your kernel # doconfig -c HOSTNAME Copy the new kernel to /vmunix Reboot the machine # shutdown -r now On Domains: ----------- Install the patch using the following commands: # sra command -domains all -member 1 -command '/usr/sbin/sc_dupatch -install -kit /nfs/cspkit/patch_kit -name -note -noroll -nolevel2 -noauto -patch ' Now Build and Deploy the Kernels: Make sure all nodes are up so that kernels will be built on all nodes # scrun -d all BuildKernels # scrun -d all DeployKernels Reboot the domains: # sra shutdown -domains all # sra boot -domains all Installation is complete at this point. Once the patch is installed and you are satisfied that it is working correctly the GENERIC kernels should also be updated, using the following command: # scrun -d all DeployKernels -g ******************************************************************************* Appendices: =========== A.1 Details of -deps_only option -------------------------------- Patches from UNIX support have previously been supplied to AlphaServer SC customers in a manual install format. That is, patches were installed by the customer running a script to copy the patch to the correct location. The standard UNIX support patches for non-SC customers have always been supplied using the CSP (Customer Specific Patch) format and are installed using the dupatch tool. Patches for SC customers are now also being provided in CSP format and these patches need to be installed using the sc_dupatch tool. sc_dupatch does some dependency checking to ensure the patches already on the machine are correct. It does this by comparing the chksums of files on the system with its own dependency list. If you have manually installed a patch that is on the dependency list for this new patch, then sc_dupatch will report an error and not install the patch. That is because sc_dupatch is not aware of patches installed manually. If sc_dupatch reports an error indicating a failure to install one or more patches, check whether this error message was generated by sc_dupatch detecting a mismatch caused by the existence of a manually installed patch. If you're satisfied that the conflict does arise from a manually-installed patch which you want to override, then a simple workaround is available in the form of the new deps_only switch. This has been introduced to cater specifically for such situations. It turns off the inventory-checking mechanism so that the pre-install checking is restricted to dependency-checking only. Simply re-run the install command with the deps_only flag to skip this inventory check and allow the installation to proceed.