Kit Name: DEC-AXPVMS-VMS83A_RMS-V0200--4.PCSI$COMPRESSED Kit Applies To: OpenVMS ALPHA V8.3 Approximate Kit Size: 1998 blocks Installation Rating: INSTALL_1 Reboot Required: Yes - rolling reboot Superseded Kits: VMS83A_RMS-V0100 Mandatory Kit Dependencies: VMS82A_UPDATE-V0200 Optional Kit Dependencies: None Checksums: VMS83A_RMS-V0200.ZIPEXE Checksum: 1208673664 DEC-AXPVMS-VMS83A_RMS-V0200--4.PCSI$COMPRESSED Checksum: 3286415799 VMS83A_RMS-V0200.ZIPEXE MD5 Checksum: 4F71C5689A145D45122D02FD52A590DA DEC-AXPVMS-VMS83A_RMS-V0200--4.PCSI$COMPRESSED MD5 Checksum: B40C2C4B5E6D39D55E3F83C9E37737DC ======================================================================= Hewlett-Packard OpenVMS ECO Cover Letter ======================================================================= 1 KIT NAME: VMS83A_RMS-V0200 2 KIT DESCRIPTION: 2.1 Installation Rating: INSTALL_1 : To be installed by all customers. This installation rating, based upon current CLD information, is provided to serve as a guide to which customers should apply this remedial kit. (Reference attached Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability Statement) 2.2 Reboot Requirement: Reboot Required. HP strongly recommends that a reboot is performed immediately after kit installation to avoid system instability. If you have other nodes in your OpenVMS cluster, they must also be rebooted in order to make use of the new image(s). If it is not possible or convenient to reboot the entire cluster at this time, a rolling re-boot may be performed. 2.3 Version(s) of OpenVMS to which this kit may be applied: OpenVMS ALPHA V8.3 2.4 New functionality or new hardware support provided: No 3 KITS SUPERSEDED BY THIS KIT: - VMS83A_RMS-V0100 4 KIT DEPENDENCIES: 4.1 The following remedial kit(s), or later, must be installed BEFORE installation of this, or any required kit: - VMS83A_UPDATE-V0200 Page 2 4.2 In order to receive all the corrections listed in this kit, the following remedial kits, or later, should also be installed: - None 5 NEW FUNCTIONALITY AND/OR PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN THE VMS83A_RMS-V0200 KIT 5.1 New functionality addressed in this kit Not Applicable 5.2 Problems addressed in this kit 5.2.1 Prevent Possible EXEC Mode Exception When Referencing A Stale IFAB. Problem Description: A running process or application may abort (disappear) without a normal logout sequence when the files that it is accessing have global buffers enabled and it runs short of process dynamic memory. The accounting record for the process will indicate that an exception (%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO) occurred. A system crash occurs if the SYSGEN parameters BUGCHECKFATAL or SYSTEM_CHECK are set. Images Affected: - [SYS$LDR]RMS.EXE CLDs, and QARs reporting this problem: CLD(s) QXCM1000361843, WFM 1212442758-122 QAR(s) None. Page 3 Problem Analysis: When an attempt to create the RMS Global buffer internal structures fails due to insufficient resources, a stale pointer to an Internal FAB (IFAB) may be left in one of the recycled structures. This could result in an EXEC mode exception if the IFAB structure has been deallocated when the Global buffer structure is reused. The solution is to zero out the IFAB offset when the structure is initially released. Release Version of OpenVMS that will contain this change: Next release of OpenVMS Alpha after V8.3 Work-arounds: None. 5.2.2 Return Control To The Main EDF Menu When Ctrl/Z Is Invoked. Problem Description: Invoking the EDIT/FDL utility with a script specified on the command line fails to return to the main menu when Ctrl/Z is entered. Instead, the image exits to the DCL prompt. This is contrary to the prompt that is provided "Press RETURN to continue (^Z for Main Menu)". This is also inconsistent with the interactive invocation of the script. Images Affected: - [SYSEXE]EDF.EXE CLDs, and QARs reporting this problem: CLD(s) QXCM1000368506 (WFM321631107-321) QAR(s) None. Page 4 Problem Analysis: Failure to reflect that the EDF utility had left the main level and had entered a secondary level script through the setting of a global variable resulted in EDF taking the wrong action when input was terminated by a Ctrl/Z. Release Version of OpenVMS that will contain this change: Next release of OpenVMS Alpha after V8.3 Work-arounds: None. 5.2.3 Avoid Memory References In Performance Critical Access Path. Problem Description: A performance degradation was noted in accessing RMS indexed files. This degradation was accompanied by system alignment faults being generated. Images Affected: - [SYS$LDR]RMS.EXE CLDs, and QARs reporting this problem: CLD(s) QXCM1000378780, QXCM1000379904 QAR(s) None. Problem Analysis: Two local variables retained their longword declaration despite migration of the related module to 64 bits. This resulted in the values being stored in memory as opposed to being register references. Removal of the longword declaration for the local variables allowed the values to return to register references. Page 5 The promotion of the alignment declaration of the FAB in STARLET's $FAB_DECL macro to quadword alignment caused references to the FAB's STS offset in RMS's exit path to trigger alignment faults. A remapping of the STRUC variable in this routine with a byte alignment hint eliminated the faults. Release Version of OpenVMS that will contain this change: Next release of OpenVMS Alpha after V8.3 Work-arounds: None. 5.2.4 Prevent Problems In RMS's Path Cache When Handling Deleted UCBs. Problem Description: Process deletions outside the normal logout sequence might occur when the system actively adds and deletes disk dynamic devices, such as LD and DAD units. The accounting records indicate that an exception (%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO) occurred with the process. A system crash occurs if the SYSGEN parameters BUGCHECKFATAL or SYSTEM_CHECK are set. Images Affected: - [SYS$LDR]RMS.EXE CLDs, and QARs reporting this problem: CLD(s) QXCM1000366006 QAR(s) None. Problem Analysis: RMS's path cache could contain stale UCB information when a dynamic device is deleted. Correcting the problem required the following changes: Page 6 - Validating the UCB address in the cache against the UCB address in the currently assigned channel every time a device entry is referenced. - Tagging the cache device entry with the UCB mount time. Because UCBs have a relatively unique size, a newly created UCB is likely to have the same address as a recently deleted one. Release Version of OpenVMS that will contain this change: Next release of OpenVMS Alpha after V8.3 Work-arounds: None. 5.2.5 Ensure Case Sensitive Name Compares Are Performed For ODS5 Path Cache Lookups. Problem Description: A case sensitive lookup of a directory file could erroneously be successful, despite the wrong case being used if a process had previously accessed the directory with a case blind lookup. Images Affected: - [SYS$LDR]RMS.EXE CLDs, and QARs reporting this problem: CLD(s) None. QAR(s) PTR 75-111-111 Problem Analysis: The path cache directory nodes contain both the original directory name entered as well as the resultant name string (which reflects the case sensitive name on disk). When a process has been enabled for case sensitive lookups, the resultant name is now used along with the Page 7 case appropriate XQP comparison routine to determine if the appropriate directory node has been located. Release Version of OpenVMS that will contain this change: Next release of OpenVMS Alpha after V8.3 Work-arounds: None. 5.2.6 Conceal Cleartext Password When Logical Name Is Used. Problem Description: When using a logical name for a NODE specification along with a Network Access Control string, the actual password could be displayed instead of the masked string 'password'. $ DEFINE NODE REMSYS:: $ DIRECTORY NODE"SYSTEM SECRETPWD":: Directory REMSYS"SYSTEM SECRETPWD"::SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR] Images Affected: - [SYS$LDR]RMS.EXE CLDs, and QARs reporting this problem: CLD(s) QXCM1000383674 QAR(s) None. Problem Analysis: The password contained within a Network Access Control string could be returned to the user in clear text when a logical name was used for the node specification. If the access control string is included in the logical name, RMS properly returns the masked password as the string "password" in place of the actual value. This change ensures that the returned password is masked when a logical node name is used and a separate access control Page 8 string exists. Release Version of OpenVMS that will contain this change: Next release of OpenVMS Alpha after V8.3 Work-arounds: None. 5.2.7 Prevent RMSBUG When Null Node Name Is Passed. Problem Description: A process may terminate outside the normal logout sequence when a null node specification ("::") is used in a file name sequence. The process accounting record indicates a %SYSTEM-F-RMSBUG bugcheck occurred. A system crash occurs if the SYSGEN parameters BUGCHECKFATAL or SYSTEM_CHECK are set. Images Affected: - [SYS$LDR]RMS.EXE CLDs, and QARs reporting this problem: CLD(s) QXCM1000389787 QAR(s) None. Problem Analysis: RMS is designed to ignore related filename information if a node name was present in the initial parse. The rational for this is that a referenced directory on the local node is likely meaningless on a remote system. Although RMS was detecting that a null node specification was present, it failed to properly terminate the directory name parsing while executing the related filename pass. This allowed RMS to progress forward with the file specification to the point where the inconsistency resulted in the bugcheck. Page 9 Release Version of OpenVMS that will contain this change: Next release of OpenVMS Alpha after V8.3 Work-arounds: None. 5.2.8 Prevent Possible Unexpected RMS Detached Recovery Server Exit. Problem Description: The RMS recovery server (RMSREC$SERVER) may abort (disappear) without a normal logout sequence during a recovery operation. The accounting record for the recovery process will indicate that an exception (%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO) occurred. The server will automatically restart and will likely complete the recovery operation following this exception. Images Affected: - [SYSEXE]RMSREC$SERVER.EXE CLDs, and QARs reporting this problem: CLD(s) QXCM1000398232 QAR(s) None. Problem Analysis: The recovery server manages an internal pool of available memory from which it allocates structures as needed. An allocation that was used for a text string was undersized and allowed the string to overflow into adjacent memory by one byte. When this occurred, various problems resulted depending on what structure (if any) happened to be adjacent to the errant string. Page 10 Release Version of OpenVMS that will contain this change: Next release of OpenVMS Alpha after V8.3 Work-arounds: None. 6 PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN PREVIOUS KITS Problems addressed by previously released VMS83A_RMS ECO kits can be found in the following files: o VMS83A_RMS-V100.RELEASE_NOTES Before kit installation, these files can be extracted from the kit via the following commands: o To extract all release notes files at once use: PRODUCT EXTRACT RELEASE_NOTES VMS83A_RMS/VERSION= - /DESTINATION= destination_directory o To extract a single release notes file use: PRODUCT EXTRACT FILE VMS83A_RMS/VERSION= V2.0 - /SELECT=[SYSUPD]release_note_name/DESTINATION=destination_directory 7 FILES PATCHED OR REPLACED: o [SYSEXE]EDF.EXE (new image) Image Identification Information image name: "EDF" image file identification: "X-07" image file build identification: "XBCA-0080070000"" link date/time: 20-OCT-2006 11:55:49.64 linker identification: "A13-03" o [SYS$LDR]RMS.EXE (new image) Image Identification Information image name: "RMS" image file identification: "X-47" image file build identification: "XBCA-0080070007" link date/time: 7-FEB-2007 13:33:46.67 linker identification: "A13-03" Overall Image Checksum: 1517205937 Page 11 o [SYSEXE]RMSREC$SERVER.EXE (new image) Image Identification Information image name: "RMSREC$SERVER" image file identification: "X-13" image file build identification: "XBCA-0080070000" link date/time: 21-FEB-2007 15:38:11.74 linker identification: "A13-03" o [SYSLIB]SDARMS$SHARE.EXE (new image) Image Identification Information image name: "SDARMS$SHARE" image file identification: "X-13" image file build identification: "XBCA-0080070007" link date/time: 7-FEB-2007 13:33:47.68 linker identification: "A13-03" 8 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 8.1 Test/Debug Image Loss In the course of debugging problems reported to OpenVMS Engineering, customers may be given debug or point-fix images to install. Typically, these images do not have the same image generation flags contained in images released via the OpenVMS remedial patch process. Because of this, any debug or point-fix image that is in the SYS$COMMON area, will be replaced by any image of the same name installed by this kit. If this occurs, you will lose any functionality that is provided by the replaced image. If you wish to retain these debug or point-fix images, you can take the following steps: o Prior to installing this kit, move the test/debug image(s) to be saved to the SYS$SPECIFIC area. o During kit installation, you will be asked if you wish to delete the image(s) in SYS$SPECIFIC. You should answer NO for each image that you want to keep. o After installation completes, but before rebooting the system (if required), move the image(s) from SYS$SPECIFIC back to SYS$COMMON. 8.2 Compressed File This kit is provided as a Self Extracting ZIPEXE kit. To expand this file to the installable .PCSI file, run the file with the following command: $ RUN VMS83A_RMS-V0200.ZIPEXE Page 12 8.3 Installation Command Install this kit with the POLYCENTER Software installation utility by logging into the SYSTEM account, and typing the following at the DCL prompt: PRODUCT INSTALL VMS83A_RMS[/SOURCE=location of Kit] Note that this kit will install with the /SAVE_RECOVERY_DATA option turned on. Using this qualifier will allow easy removal of the kit from the system in the event of problems. If you wish to disable this option you must use the /NOSAVE_RECOVERY_DATA qualifier on the PRODUCT INSTALL command. The /SAVE_RECOVERY_DATA qualifier is optional but highly recommended. Using this qualifier will allow easy removal of the kit from the system in the event of problems. The kit location may be a tape drive, CD, or a disk directory that contains the kit. The /SOURCE qualifier is not needed if the PRODUCT INSTALL command is executed from the same directory as the kit location. Additional help on installing PCSI kits can be found by typing HELP PRODUCT INSTALL at the system prompt. 8.4 Scripting of Answers to Installation Questions During installation, this kit will ask and require user response to several questions. If you wish to automate the installation of this kit and avoid having to provide responses to these questions, you must create a DCL command procedure that includes the following logical name definitions and commands: o To avoid the BACKUP question, define the following: $ DEFINE/SYS NO_ASK$BACKUP TRUE o To avoid the REBOOT question, define the following: $ DEFINE/SYS NO_ASK$REBOOT TRUE o To save replaced files as *.*_OLD define the following logical name as YES. If you do not wish to save replaced files, define the logical name as NO. Note that if you use the /SAVE_RECOVERY_DATA qualifier (recommended) on the PRODUCT INSTALL command all replaced files will be saved as part of that operation. There is no need to also save files as *.*_OLD: $ DEFINE/JOB ARCHIVE_OLD NO Page 13 o Add the following qualifiers to the PRODUCT INSTALL command and add that command to the DCL procedure. /PROD=DEC/BASE=AXPVMS/VER=V2.0 [/SOURCE=location of Kit] o De-assign the logical names assigned For example, a sample command file to install the VMS83A_RMS-V0200 kit would be: $ DEFINE/SYS NO_ASK$BACKUP TRUE $ DEFINE/SYS NO_ASK$REBOOT TRUE $ DEFINE/JOB ARCHIVE_OLD NO $! $ PROD INSTALL VMS83A_RMS/PRODUCER=DEC/BASE=AXPVMS/VER=V2.0" $! $ DEASSIGN/SYS NO_ASK$BACKUP $ DEASSIGN/SYS NO_ASK$REBOOT $! $ exit 9 COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER: (C) Copyright 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP and/or its subsidiaries required for possession, use, or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. Neither HP nor any of its subsidiaries shall be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information in this document is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice. The warranties for HP products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements accompanying such products. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY THIS PATCH IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. IN NO EVENT WILL HP BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE OR PROFIT, OR FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, WITH RESPECT TO ANY PATCH MADE AVAILABLE HERE OR TO Page 14 THE USE OF SUCH PATCH.