ECO NUMBER: ALP_TW_Y2K01_062 ----------- PRODUCT: OpenVMS/Hanyu Alpha Operating System -------- UPDATED PRODUCT: OpenVMS/Hanyu Alpha Operating System 6.2 ---------------- APPRX BLCK SIZE: 378 ---------------- DIGITAL COVER LETTER Year 2000 kit for OpenVMS/Hanyu Alpha V6.2 This kit contains Year 2000 enhancements for OpenVMS/Hanyu Alpha V6.2. To receive all the Year 2000 enhancements for OpenVMS/Hanyu V6.2, you must also install the OpenVMS V6.2 Year 2000 kit (ALPY2K0n_062). The enhancements included in kit ALPY2K0n_062 are detailed in the README file and Release Notes that ship with that kit. You can also access the Release Notes for that kit from the OpenVMS Year 2000 home page on the World Wide Web: 1 Kit Information Kit name: ALP_TW_Y2K01_062 Kit description: Version of OpenVMS/Hanyu to which this kit may be applied: OpenVMS/Hanyu Alpha Version 6.2 You must also apply the following Year 2000 kit to receive the complete package of Year 2000 enhancements for V6.2: ALPY2K0n_062 Files modified, replaced, or added: [HSYEXE]HDUMP.EXE (new image) 1 2 Conditions Addressed in This Kit The OpenVMS/Hanyu HDUMP utility, which supports the ODS-1 file system using a 2-digit year format, has been modified to cor- rectly interpret these 2-digit years until the year 2057. 3 Kit Installation Kit Installation Rating The following kit installation rating, based upon current CLD information, is provided to serve as a guide as to which customers should apply this remedial kit. (See the attached Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability Statement.) INSTALLATION RATING: INSTALL_1 - To be installed by all customers. Kit Installation Instructions Install this kit using the VMSINSTAL utility. Simply log in to the SYSTEM account and enter the following command at the DCL prompt: @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL ALP_TW_Y2K01_062 [save-set location] OPTIONS N The save-set location can be a tape drive or a disk directory that contains the kit save set. No system reboot is required after the installation. Other OpenVMS Cluster nodes using this system disk do not require to shut down and reboot the system. The new image will take effect immediately after the kit has been successfully installed. Copyright Information Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 1998. All Rights reserved. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Compaq Computer Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Compaq or an authorized sublicensor. This ECO has not been through an exhaustive field test process. Due to the experimental stage of this ECO/workaround, Compaq makes no representations regarding its use or performance. The customer shall have the sole responsibility for adequate protection and back-up data used in conjunction with this ECO/workaround. 2 Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability Statement With the exception of the Year 2000 DIGITAL Product Warranty referred to at the beginning of this document, this patch is provided as is, without warranty of any kind. All expressed or implied conditions, representations, and warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for particular purpose, or noninfringement, are hereby excluded to the extent permitted by applicable law. In no event will DIGITAL be liable for any lost revenue or profit, or for special, indirect, con- sequential, incidental, or punitive damages, however caused and regardless of the theory of liability, with respect to any patch made available here or to the use of such patch.