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DEC-X500-OSF DXDA313 Digital X.500 Directory Service V3.1 UNIX ECO Summary
TITLE: DEC-X500-OSF DXDA313 Digital X.500 Directory Service V3.1 UNIX ECO Summary

Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 1998.  All rights reserved.

Modification Date:  05-OCT-1998 
Modification Type:  Updated ECO Kit - Supersedes DXDA312 

PRODUCT:    Digital X.500 Directory Service, Version 3.1

OP/SYS:     Digital UNIX[R], V4.0A through V4.0D  

SOURCE:     Compaq Computer Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  DXDA313
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  DXDA312
                                           DXDA311 (Not Release through
                                                    DEC STD_204)
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  22840 Blocks

     Kit Applies to: DIGITAL X.500 Directory Service V3.1
                     DIGITAL UNIX V4.0A through V4.0D

     Prerequisite Software

       Before you install the Digital[TM] X.500 Directory Service, ensure
       that you have the following installed and working:

         o  Digital[TM] UNIX[TM] V4.0D, or later.

            Digital UNIX V4.0A may be used, provided you apply patch 123.00

            Digital UNIX V4.0B may be used, provided you apply patch 44.00

            At the time of writing, no patch is available for Digital UNIX

            The installation requires the OSFBASE subset

         o  DECnet[TM]/OSI[R] V4.0A for Digital UNIX, or later.

            The installation requires the DNANETMAN subset, and the DNABASE and
            /or DNAKBIN subsets, depending on whether you want to use DECnet
            /OSI and/or TCP/IP transport services


An ECO kit exists for Digital X.500 Directory Service V3.1 on Digital         
UNIX V4.0A though V4.0D. This kit addresses the following problems: 

Problems Addressed in DXDA313:

  o  This release fixes a problem on VMS that occasionally caused the
     DSA to crash when releasing OSAK buffers after the time out period         
     had expired.                                                               
  o  In this release, file locking has been added to the DSA database           
     to stop possible corruption of the DSA database on UNIX Clusters.          
     Corruption of the database would occur when a DSA attempted to ac-         
     cess a database that was being used by another DSA.                        
     When you create a DSA, it attempts to load the database. In this           
     release, if the database is currently locked by another DSA, the           
     NCL create dsa command returns an error message and the Create Fail-
     ure event is generated.                                                    
     The new error message of the NCL create dsa command and the Cre-           
     ate Failure event are listed in the NCL on-line help for the DSA.          
     See UNIX Cluster Support for more information about running more           
     than one DSA on a UNIX cluster and for details of the NCL create           
     dsa command error message and the Create Failure event.                    

  o  In this release, the UNIX subset information display has been changed
     to give the product version, for example:                                  
    DXDSRVR313 installed Digital X.500 Server for Digital UNIX Version V3.1-13
  o  This release fixes a problem that prevented the NCL on-line help           
     for the Directory Module being updated when a new version of the           
     X.500 base was installed on a Digital UNIX system.                         
  o  This release fixes a problem on VMS that caused the DSA process to         
     exit when the DSA terminated with an error more than once.                 
  o  This release fixes a VMS problem that caused the DSA to corrupt the        
     VMS Nonpaged pool. This could result in the machine crashing. This         
     problem can also be fixed by installing DECnet/OSI Version 6.3 ECO         
     8 or DECnet-Plus Version 7.1 ECO 2.                                        
  o  This release fixes a UNIX only problem with DXIM that causes the           
     following errors to occur when the LANG variable is set to "C".:           
       Cannot open the message catalogue file dxim-dxd.cat
       Cannot open the message catalogue file dxim-cll.cat

     DXIM now uses the default English catalogues in /usr/lib/nls/msg          
     if the original open attempts fail.                                       
  o  This release fixes a problem that caused the DSA to crash when a          
     constraint violation occurred during a MODIFY RDN operation.  

  o  This release fixes a memory corruption problem that could occur wh>
     converting the XDS object DS_C_CONTEXT from private to public. The
     memory corruption occurs only when the DS_C_CONTEXT object does not

Problems Addressed in DXDA312:                                                  

  o  This release fixes a problem that could cause the DSA to crash when
     chaining to another DSA. This problem only occured under a heavy           
  o  This release improves the way that a DSA or DUA selects the net-           
     work type of a presentation address, when the specified presenta-          
     tion address has NSAPs that do not include a network type. For ex-         
     ample, the following presentation address does not include a net-          
     work type, such as CLNS:                                                   
     In this case, the DSA or DUA assumes that the network type is CLNS.        
  o  This release fixes a UNIX only DSA DIT corruption problem that             
     could occur when the DSA is terminated without using the NCL               
     delete dsa command. The DIT corruption occurs only when the DSA            
     is terminated between the first and second DIT check and when the          
     first DIT check creates a new update log file.                             

Problems Address in DXDA311:

  o  This release fixes a problem that caused the CDXIM client to fail     
     when displaying the supplierKnowledge attribute.

  o  This release includes several improvements to prevent the DSA hang-   
     ing on disable.                                                       
  o  This release fixes a problem with the DSA approximate matching        
     rules that could cause spurious matches to occur when you include     
     nonphonetic data in a search.                                         
  o  This release improves DSA logging to help trace network buffers and   
     to provide more information to help solve problems with chaining.     
  o  This release fixes a problem that prevented the DSA releasing idle    
     associations. The default setting of the Idle Disconnect Timer        
     characteristic attribute is now 300 seconds.                          
  o  The DSA will now use only X.500 protocols for replication. The pri-   
     vate DECshadow protocol used for replication in Version 1.0 has       
     been removed.                                                         
  o  This release fixes a DSA memory leak that occured when an authen-     
     ticated bind operation failed.                                        
  o  This release fixes a DSA problem with the decoding of complex ASN.1   
     attribute values that have indefinite length encoding.                
  o  The DSA has been fixed to allow you to search for the hasSubordi-     
     nate attribute.                                                       
  o  The release fixes a problem that caused the DSA InDaemon to fail      
     when an association was closed before a bind operation occured.       


Refer to the V3.1 installation card for instructions on installing the
Directory Service on Digital UNIX systems. The only change is that the
installation subsets are identified by the number 313 instead of 310,
for example, DXDABASE313.

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