PROBLEM: ( QAR 58441 ) (Patch ID: OSF405-154) ******** This patch fixes an error that occurs in sort utility results when the user specifies either the -d option (sort only spaces and alphanumeric characters) or the -i option (sort only printable characters). The problem is that when either of these options is specified, the utility ignores 8-bit characters, such as the accent characters in the Latin-1 character set. The following example illustrates this problem. In this example, the accented character "É" " is used to illustrate the problem. % cat file mango Émeute % setenv LANG fr_FR.ISO8859-1 % locale LANG=fr_FR.ISO8859-1 LC_COLLATE="fr_FR.ISO8859-1" LC_CTYPE="fr_FR.ISO8859-1" LC_MONETARY="fr_FR.ISO8859-1" LC_NUMERIC="fr_FR.ISO8859-1" LC_TIME="fr_FR.ISO8859-1" LC_MESSAGES="fr_FR.ISO8859-1" LC_ALL= % sort file Émeute mango % sort -i file mango Émeute When the patch is installed, the sort result when the -i option is specified will be the same as when the option is omitted; that is, the accented character will no longer be ignored: % sort -i file Émeute mango