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HP Services Software Patches - atk-eco-01032

Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. 
All rights reserved.

PRODUCT:    PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) Version 1.3

COMPONENT:  AppleTalk for OpenVMS Version 3.2

OP/SYS:     OpenVMS VAX Versions 5.5-2 or later
	    OpenVMS AXP Versions 6.1 or later

SOURCE:     Digital Equipment Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  ATK-ECO-01032
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  None
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  ATK-ECO-10132 2961 Blocks

     System Reboot Necessary:  Yes


An ECO kit exists for the AppleTalk for OpenVMS V3.2 component of PATHWORKS 
for OpenVMS (Macintosh) V1.3. This kit addresses the following problems: 

Corrections made to ATK$MANAGER.EXE (VAX and Alpha)
Image Identification: "ATK S3.2-E01"

  001	Various ATK$MANAGER commands would give unexpected results when
	attempting to remove seed zones (error 'unknown seed zone'), add
	zones (error 'duplicate zone'), or other operations. These problems
	have been resolved.

Corrections made to ATK$APPLETALK_ACP.EXE (Alpha only)
Image Identification: "ATK S3.2-E01"

  001	Alpha system would crash with PGFIPLHI bugcheck in ACP when executing
	code in OTS$DIV_I_CODE due to page not being locked in working set. 
	The ACP has been modified to lock this code down so as not to cause
	a page fault.

and ATK$PSDRIVER.EXE (Alpha only):
Image Identification: "ATK S3.2-E01"

  001	System would crash with MULDEALNPAG bugcheck in EXE$CREDIT_BYTCNT
	during ADSP_READ_FDT due to an invalid byte count parameter. The
	driver will now correctly detect the invalid parameter and return
	an appropriate error.


The ECO kit should be installed using the VMSINSTAL command procedure,
as outlined in Chapter 3 of "OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Essentials".

This installation does NOT automatically purge any new or modified files.


In order for the corrections to take effect the system must be rebooted.  If
the system is a member of a VMScluster, the entire cluster must be rebooted. 
You may postpone rebooting if it is not convenient for you; however, the new
driver(s)  will not take affect until after a reboot. 

Installing the AppleTalk for OpenVMS ECO Kit


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