Date sent: Fri, 28 May 1999 21:08:13 +0000 (GMT) From: Bassoukos Tassos To: Subject: Re: Pingus Network Design Forwarded by: Send reply to: Date forwarded: Fri, 28 May 1999 22:15:10 +0100 On 28 May 1999, Ingo Ruhnke wrote: > Hi, > > I have thought a bit about reorganising pingus, so that it is easier > to add later network support. > > There are now two new main objects in pingus: > > AbstractServer and Client > > The AbstractServer holds now the World object, so that the Client > becomes indepented of it. The Client gets initialised with a pointer > to a AbstractServer, add the moment it gets initialisied with a > TrueServer object, which controlls the world for non network play. For > network play it should get initialisied with an VirtualServer, which > then connects to a TrueServer, which is the master of all the other > Server. > > BTW: I haven't much experience with network programming, this is my > first try, so comments and critic is very welcome. > > Bye > > Ingo (ps: this is my first post on the list, so please be gentle :) Hi Ingo, >from what i understood, you talk about going from something like this: +-------+ | World | +-------+ // \\ // \\ +--------+ +--------+ | Client |----| Server | +--------+ +--------+ to something like this: +-------+ | World | +-------+ // \\ // \\ +--------+ +------------+ | Client |----|VirualServer| +--------+ +------------+ | / | \ (client-side) ------ Network -------< | >---------- \ | / (server-side) | +--------+ +-------------+ | Server |----|VirtualClient| +--------+ +-------------+ \\ // \\ // +-------+ | World | +-------+ (double lines indicate lots more data exchanged than single lines) (this is not a class inheritance diagramm, rather somthing more towards dataflow - Server and VirualServer have a common ancestor, so do Client and VirtualClient) VirtualClient and VirtualServer are stub classes that synchronize the World objects in the server and the client correspondigly(sp?)[0]. Did I get everyhing right? Did I get everything wrong? Tassos [0] yes, this may sound at first sight reversed ... -- Bassoukos Tassos +30 31 996011 / +30 93 7109954 Computer Shaman and Informatics Thaumaturge